Gut Health: The Key to Radiant Skin and Optimal Brain Function

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty: your gut health is important.

While not so tasteful to talk about at the dinner table, a regular and functioning gut is essential to your overall well-being. Maintaining your gut isn’t just about avoiding general stomach discomfort, bloating, and gas; it’s also about regulating your health overall. Because of this, we at RIMAN decided to take an inside-out approach to health; with our Deep Talk fiber supplement, you can address the health of your skin from within.  

Your gut has a direct connection to a couple of different systems within your body. Most notably studied is the gut-brain axis, which characterizes the bidirectional interaction between our central nervous system and our gastrointestinal tract.1 General emotional behaviors, stress, and depression can depend on the health and proper function of your gut –  95% of our serotonin is actually housed within our gut.2 Noting the importance of maintaining your gut for the sake of your mental health, scientists thought to explore additional influences that our digestive tract has on our overall well-being. Recently, more studies and developments have introduced the possibility of a connected interaction between skin concerns and gut health, that of the “gut-skin” or “gut-skin-brain” axis.  

Much like the gut-brain axis, the gut-skin axis refers to the direct relationship between gut microbiota (intestinal bacteria) and their correlation to skin health or disease.3 Important players in this connection are your intestinal barrier, inflammatory mediators, and metabolites.4 Diet, lifestyle, and genetics all play parts in determining your gut health and balance of microbiota, and whether or not you will be predisposed to a certain gut issues. Ailments characterized by inflammation, such as psoriasis or eczema, can often directly correlate to inflammation of the gut or to a general “gut dysbiosis”, which is an imbalance of the gut.5 Globally speaking, your skin is affected by your gut health via immunity responses and inflammatory upticks, and much of these relationships helped develop the understanding of the gut-skin axis and its relevance in diagnoses.  

As much as you can apply creams and salves to beautify your skin, if your digestive tract isn’t properly functioning and healthy, you might be missing out on your ultimate glow. And while you may not suffer from something as extreme as psoriasis, oily skin, acne-prone skin, dull skin, or even dry skin can still be partially influenced by an imbalanced gut. While dietary supplements are abundant and often lacking scientific support, there are a few key nutrients you can prioritize that have extensive clinical backing. We turned to a dependable nutrient that has been utilized for centuries to regulate digestion: fiber. Fiber is found naturally in many fruits, veggies, and grains and is fantastic for bringing digestive regulation and healthier bowels. Certain fiber sources are known as prebiotic fibers in that they provide “food” for healthy gut bacteria to thrive. It also discourages the growth of harmful bacteria, modulating the balance of your gut microbiome.6 With the balance of your gut, your intestines will be able to absorb the proper nutrients from your foods and detoxify properly, both of which can correlate with the health of your skin.  

Our Deep Talk supplement is designed after traditional eastern methodologies of medicine. The fiber-containing component, psyllium, has been used for centuries for digestive health. Psyllium is a soluble fiber that expands and becomes a thick gel when mixed with water – the formation of this gel network allows for an absorption of loose materials and water as it forms, traveling through your intestines.7 It also slows digestion, allowing your body to absorb more nutrients from food as it travels through your intestinal system.8   Beyond regulating your digestion and ensuring proper nutrient absorption, psyllium is a natural prebiotic for your gut, bringing us back to the aforementioned benefits of a secure gut microbiome.  

While seemingly unusual in its form, the hard, pellet-like appearance of this supplement allows for your digestive tract to reap the full benefits of the psyllium. Many psyllium supplements on the market are in powder form and turn gelatinous upon introduction to water, which you are then supposed to drink. Our Deep Talk maintains its form until it is processed in your stomach and intestines (along with at least 10 oz of water), ensuring optimal water absorption and debris cleansing occurs in the areas of your body that matter most.  

Along with psyllium, Deep Talk boasts concentrations of zinc, amongst other minerals. This zinc maintains your body’s innate defense mechanism, the immune system, such that inflammatory processes or aggressors (like change in diet) will have less of a chance of upsetting the balance of both your gut, skin, and ultimately, your brain.  

With the importance of a functioning gut in both skin and brain health, Deep Talk ensures that your possibility to glow comes not just from the surface of your skin, but from your overall well-being.  

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